These Are Often The Most Profitable Keywords In Your Market

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What do you think of when you hear the word
Whether or not you’re a diehard fan, here are some words that may have popped into yourhead:
But when you enter the word “basketball” into the GKP…
…noneof those related words show up.
In other words, the GKP only shows you keywords that are VERY closely related to the keyword
you gave it.
And they very rarely show you keywords that are closely – but not directly – related to what you
sell. These are often the most profitable keywords in your market.
No wonder so many keywords are next to impossible to rank for:everyone and their mom are targeting the exact same keywords!
That’s not to say you shouldn’t target keywords that the GKP gives you (in fact,there’s an entire
chapter in this guidededicated to using the tool).
But don’t rely on the GKP (or any other tool) to show you the full breadth of what’s out there. To do that, you need to identifyNiche Topics.
How to Quickly Find Niche Topics
You may be wondering:“What is a Niche Topic, exactly?”
A Niche Topic is a topic that your target customer is interested in.
In other words, this isn’t a specific keyword. It’s a broad topic.
(I’ll show you exactly how to extract keywords from your Niche Topics later in this guide)
For example, let’s say that you run a business that sells basketball hoops.
As we saw earlier, the GKP is pretty useless at giving you anything but very, very closely related
keywords.Spy Track jvzoo
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